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Meet Alexander Warrilow: Celebrating 10 Years with Freedom

Alexander is celebrating his amazing 10-year milestone anniversary with Freedom Property! One of our valued agents, he has seen the brand’s evolution from infancy, having joined Freedom early on as a Buyer Manager. To mark the occasion, we sat down and asked him a few questions about his journey so far.

What do you enjoy most about the job?

Working closely with clients and being part of their journey. It is a big deal for families moving homes and to see how happy they are to get into their dream homes is very special.

What's the best thing about the community in which you operate?

In Alexandra Hills, there is a blend of first-home buyers, retirees, investors and families building their property portfolios. I enjoy the mix as no transaction is the same and I get to guide people in different stages of their life. I love being part of the community that has some great schools, sporting teams and facilities all close by.

What has been your biggest professional achievement?

Watching (my previous Buyer Manager) Cooper McCormack grow into his own agent has been very fulfilling. I enjoy watching his journey from being a trainee and I’m excited to see where he can get to over the next few years.

What’s one thing people may not know about you?

I'm a pretty open book, I couldn't imagine there is much people don't know about me.

How has Freedom Property assisted you in your success throughout your career?

Freedom Property in conjunction with The Property Platform has been a fantastic way to ensure all my clients are being looked after and not missed. Freedom has put practices in place to make our jobs easy as agents. All we have to do is pick up the phone; everything else is looked after by the amazing support staff we have.

What are your short and long-term goals within your business and the wider industry?

I want to keep challenging myself and step outside my comfort zone. I don't really have any short-term or long-term goals. I just live in the moment and make sure what I'm doing and saying to clients is in their best interest. Focussing on being present, engaged, mentally and physically fit every day. The rest will look after itself.

Now a decade in, Alexander’s energetic, hardworking approach has served him well and we look forward to seeing his business continue to strengthen and evolve into the future.

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